Posey Parisian

My photo
I muse and I sleep a lot. I'm a reader, a writer, another big dreamer. Give me a good conversation over tea, a long walk in the rain, a lover, and we'll find something... something to drift away from the world.



All photos in this blog do not belong to me, unless stated otherwise. If you wish your photo(s) to be taken down from this site, please kindly notify me :)

July 31, 2011

Posey: Everything Blue

Electric blue xx

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that Solar Energy today is cheaper than Grid energy electricity? Or that the cost of energy from an Inverter or Diesel Generator is about 2~3 times more than the grid energy that is used to charge the batteries? Depending upon your consumer category and location, you could reduce your monthly bill by up to 40%, sometimes even more.
    A solar system (with a battery system) of up to 10kW in a capacity that is installed at homes qualifies to be a residential solar system. The investment would be somewhere around Rs. 1,00,000 per kW. The electricity bills of a home are generally Rs. 1,000 per month. Installing a solar system in such an establishment could result in savings of Rs.8,400 per annum. The investment is expected to have an RoI (payback period) of ~10-11 years and the return on investments will be around 8%.
    You can become a Solar distributor and helps in sustaining the future by investing the Green energy.
